№ |
Название статьи |
Издание |
Дата |
1 |
Лицом к лицу с американским бюрократом. Евгения Альбац |
Известия |
16.07.94 |
2 |
Problems Persist at US Visa Office. By Richard Lein |
The Moscow Tribune |
26.10.94 |
3 |
Perceptions Cloud US Visa Process. By Richard Lein |
The Moscow Tribune |
27.10.94 |
4 |
The U.S. Visa Lottery. By Boris Altshuler |
The Moscow Times |
28.10.94 |
5 |
U.S. Embassy: 80% of Visa Requests Approved. Nancy H. Sambaiew |
The Moscow Times |
29.10.94 |
6 |
Musicians Led a Merry Visa Dance. By Ellen Barry |
The Moscow Times |
02.11.94 |
7 |
Посол США обещает улучшить визовое обслуживание. Сергей Чугаев |
Известия |
25.11.94 |
8 |
Pickering Pledges to Investigate Visa System. By Charles Hecker |
The Moscow Times |
26.11.94 |
9 |
Презумпция недобросовестности будет искореняться. Наталья Архангельская |
Коммерсант Daily |
26.11.94 |
10 |
US Introduces Visa Application Fee. By Paul Norton |
The Moscow Tribune |
26.11.94 |
11 |
Re: 3312-Wheeler/Visas. From J. Arch Getty |
30.05.99 |
12 |
Re: New policy on student visas? By Dennis Whelan |
26.07.99 |
13 |
Results, Not Numbers. By Ronald R. Pope |
The Moscow Times |
21.08.99 |
14 |
Visa Embarrassment. From Ronald Pope |
24.10.99 |
15 |
Wary of Abuses, U.S. Sharply Cuts Visas for Russians. By Michael R. Gordon |
The New York Times |
24.10.99 |
16 |
Рейтинг доверия к нашим туристам. Евгений Леонов |
Commersant #58 |
05.04.00 |
17 |
Who’s Ruder, Genghis Khan or the U.S. Embassy? |
The Moscow Times |
22.04.00 |
18 |
Obstacles to Healing |
The Moscow Times |
13.05.00 |
19 |
Minutes of Consul General. Moscow,Russia |
Immigration Daily |
29.09.00 |
20 |
Letter from Catherine Barry, U.S. Department of State. |
01.12.00 |
21 |
Pros, Cons of the U.S. Visa Application Process. By Aaron Leatherwood |
23.12.00 |
22 |
Letter from Catherine Barry, U.S. Department of State. |
16.03.01 |
23 |
Two Kagarlitsky Fans |
The Moscow Times |
16.04.01 |
24 |
Лотергейт. Валерия Мозганова |
Иностранец |
14.08.01 |
25 |
U.S. Visa Winners Not So Lucky. By Elizabeth Wolfe |
The Moscow Times |
30.08.01 |
26 |
Russian Participants of the American Lottery, Accused of Fraud, Sued Colin Powell. By Naomi Zilber |
www.Inostranets.ru |
05.02.02 |
27 |
Америка предпочитает многократные визы. Валерия Мозганова |
Иностранец |
02.07.02 |
28 |
Schumer Seeks Girl’s Speedy Return. By Bart Jones |
Newsday.com |
13.11.02 |
29 |
In Response to “No More Waiting on the Street for a U.S. Visa” by Caroline McGregor |
The Moscow Times |
24.01.03 |
30 |
В прошлом году 30 тысяч российских граждан получили отказ в получении американской визы. |
Росбалт |
14.02.03 |
31 |
В Москве ищут управу на американское посольство. |
Вести.Ru |
18.02.03 |
32 |
«Консульский фашизм» сплотил правозащитников. Михаил Кукушкин |
Время новостей Online |
18.03.03 |
33 |
Foreign Ministry Complains About New U.S. Visa Rules. |
The Moscow Times.com |
23.07.03 |
34 |
Russia space agency squabbles with U.S. over visas. |
CNN.com |
25.07.03 |
35 |
Diplomat hopes visa snag does not mar U.S.-Russian relations. |
The Moscow Times.com |
25.07.03 |
36 |
Штаты в отказе. Наталья Передельская |
Московский Комсомолец |
01.08.03 |
37 |
U.S. Visa Mess Dashes Summer Dream. By Robin Munro |
The Moscow Times.com |
15.08.03 |
38 |
The Russians Aren’t Coming. By Yuri V. Ushakov |
washingtonpost.com |
17.08.03 |
39 |
Defending the U.S. Visa Regime. By James D. Pettit |
The Moscow Times.com |
26.08.03 |
40 |
Visa Handling Shows Cold War Era Not Dead. By Kenneth White |
The Moscow Times.com |
29.08.03 |
41 |
Легче открыть Америку, чем американскую визу. Валерия Мозганова |
Иностранец |
15.09.03 |
42 |
Get Rid of Visas. By Deborah Anne Palmieri |
The Moscow Times.com |
18.09.03 |
43 |
Letter from Catherine Barry, U.S. Department of State. |
24.09.03 |
44 |
Виза без сюрпризов. Наталья Передельская |
29.09.03 |
45 |
President Bush Meets with Russian President Putin at Camp David |
02.10.03 |
46 |
Remarks by U.S. Consul General James D. Pettit at an American Chamber of Commerce in Russia Breakfast. |
Federal News Service |
05.11.03 |
47 |
WP: Усложнение процедуры выдачи виз наносит ущерб США. |
top.rbc.ru |
11.11.03 |
48 |
Road to U.S. Is Paved With Humiliation. By Matt Bivens |
The Moscow Times.com |
08.12.03 |
49 |
Визовая политика США в отношении российских граждан. |
Комсомольская Правда |
21.01.04 |
50 |
“Those Without Fingers Are Exempt.” By Greg Walters |
The Moscow Times.com |
22.01.04 |
51 |
Press Briefing with Michael Hazel, Chief of the Nonimmigrant Visa Unit, Embassy of the United States of America, on US Visas for High-tech Industry Specialists |
11.02.04 |
52 |
Improvements Needed to Reduce Time Taken to Adjudicate Visas for Science Students and Scholars. Report |
U.S. General Accounting Office |
15.02.04 |
53 |
Пальцем в Америку. Беседовал Александр Морозов |
МК |
29.03.04 |
54 |
Правда хорошо, а виза лучше. Наталия Зубкова |
Иностранец |
29.03.04 |
55 |
The American Embassy – A Bulwark of Peace and of Democracy (2002). The American Visa – A Bright Dream of Humanity. By Elena Kolmanovskaya |
Narod.ru |
25.04.04 |
56 |
Do Visa Delays Hurt Business? Survey Results and Analysis |
The Santangelo Group |
02.06.04 |
57 |
Visa Delays Cost Firms $31 Billion, Survey Says. By Evelin Iritani |
L.A. Times |
02.06.04 |
58 |
Poll: U.S. Visa Rules Hit Business Hard. By Carl Schreck |
The Moscow Times.com |
08.06.04 |
59 |
Не дают визы нам, а страдают они. Наталия Зубкова |
Иностранец |
15.06.04 |
60 |
Putin Lashes Out at the U.S. By Simon Saradzhyan |
The Moscow Times.com |
02.09.04 |
61 |
Remarks by James D. Pettit, U.S. Consul General of the Embassy of the United States of America, at a Breakfast of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia. |
Federal News Service |
02.09.04 |
62 |
On-line Interview with Russian Internet Publication “Gazeta.ru”. Alexander Verzhbow, U.S. Ambassador |
U.S. Embassy |
13.10.04 |
63 |
Streamlined Visas Mantis Program Has Lowered Burden on Foreign Science Students and Scholars, but Further Refinements Needed. Report to Congressional Requesters |
U.S. General Accounting Office |
11.02.05 |
64 |
$300 тысяч заработали США на российских студентах |
МК |
16.02.05 |
65 |
Мошенники печатали американские визы на принтере |
МК |
11.03.05 |
66 |
Задайте вопрос послу США. On-line интервью |
Gazeta.ru |
22.11.05 |
67 |
Спросите посла США. Интервью с Уильямом Бернсом |
Gazeta.ru |
23.11.05 |
68 |
Secure Borders and Open Doors in the Information Age. Rica-Chertoff Joint Vision |
U.S. Department of State |
17.01.06 |
69 |
Breakfast Meeting with Maura Harty, Assistant US Secretary of State Head of Bureau of Consular Affairs |
03.02.06 |
70 |
Америка бросила ВИЗов. Алексей Анищук, Инга Кумскова |
Московский Комсомолец |
06.02.06 |
71 |
Hard to Give Away the Bride Without a Visa. By Paul Keegan |
The Moscow Times.com |
31.03.06 |
72 |
Coming to America. In response to “Hard to Give Away the Bride Without a Visa.”, an essay by Paul Keegan |
The Moscow Times.com |
15.06.06 |
73 |
Alexander Kashin vs. the US Government. By Mark Grueter |
www.exile.ru |
23.10.06 |
74 |
Table XVII. Nonimmigrant Visas Issued. Fiscal Year 2006 |
Department of State |
23.12.06 |
75 |
CRS Report for Congress. Visas Issuances: Policy, Issues, and Legislation. By Ruth Ellen Wasem |
Congressional Research Service |
24.01.07 |
76 |
Non Immigrant Visas Issued |
Visa Office |
15.03.07 |
77 |
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2006. By Kelly Jefferys |
Annual Flow Report |
23.03.07 |
78 |
Fed Cup Coach Finally Gets Visa. Combined Reports |
The Moscow Times.com |
13.07.07 |
79 |
Deripaska’s Visa Was Revoked. Bloomberg |
The Moscow Times.com |
06.08.07 |
80 |
В США по подозрению в мошенничестве задержаны россияне. |
06.08.07 |
81 |
Закрытое окно. Почему с большим трудом российские студенты получали американскую визу. Александр Емельяненко |
Российская газета |
07.08.07 |
82 |
Caught in a bureaucratic black hole. By Ann Gorman |
Los Angeles Times |
10.09.07 |
83 |
Table VI. Preference Visas Issued. Fiscal Year 2006 |
Department of State |
23.12.07 |
84 |
Table V (Part II). Immigrant Visas Issued and Adjustment of Status. Subject to Numerical Limitations. Fiscal Years 2006 |
Department of State |
23.12.07 |
85 |
Table 3. Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Years 1997 to 2006/ Table III. Immigrant Visas Issued. Fiscal Year 2006 |
Department of State |
23.12.07 |